Loremaster Character Progress

Character Progress
Old WorldLevels 1-10Dun Moroghxxxxx
 Elwynn Forestxxxxx
 Azuremyst Islexxxxx
 Level 10-20Bloodmyst Islexxxxx
 Redridge Mountainsxxxxx
 Loch Modanxxxxx
 Worgen OnlyGilneas     
 Pandaren OnlyThe Wandering Isle     
 Levels 20-25Wetlandsxxxxx
 Levels 25-30Stonetalon Mountainsxxxxx
  Northern Stranglethornxxxxx
  Arathi Highlandsxxxxx
 Levels 30-35The Hinterlandsxxxxx
  Cape of Stranglethornxxxxx
  Southern Barrensxxxxx
 Levels 35-40Feralasxx   
  Dustwallow Marshx    
  Western Plaguelandsx    
 Levels 40-45Easatern Plaguelands     
  Thousand Needles     
 Levels 45-50Tanaris     
  Searing Gorge     
 Levels 50-55Burning Steppes     
  Swamp of Sorrows     
  Un'goro Crater     
 Levels 55-60Silithus     
 Blasted Lands     
Outland Hellfire Peninsula     
  Terrokar Forest     
  Blade's Edge Mountains     
  Shadowmoon Valley     
Northrend Borean Tundra     
  Howling Fijord     
  Grizzly Hills     
  Sholazar Basin     
  The Storm Peaks     
Cataclysm Mount Hyjal     
  Twilight Highlands     
Pandaria Jade Forest     
  Valley of the Four Winds     
  Krasarang Wilds     
  Kun'lai Summit     
  Townlong Steppes     
  Dread Wastes     
  Vale of the Eternal Blossom     

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