And You Thought You Were Crazy

And you thought you were crazy?


While I decided today was the day to restart journalling my adventures and asserting my opinions, I actually made the change in playstyle about two months ago. Since the duration of my attention to new things is generally three weeks I think I am now sufficiently ensconced in my new way of play to be able to declare it publicly.

I've been fooling around with alts for a long time. Some times it was on a fresh server and some times the alts were companions of my main. I think it was in November that a discussion somewhere about the glories of Vanilla brought things to a head for me.

I started playing WoW during the Burning Crusade, patch 2.3.0 to be exact. I didn't cap until Wrath. I acknowledge that quality of life changes had been implemented by the time Eccentrica was born, and my experience starting and levelling an initial character was much much different than a new player has today. There was still much of Vanilla to be found in November of 2007, and almost all of that is gone, consigned to the memories of those who experienced it. Sometime it's for the best, but that point is debatable. Rolling fresh evokes many feelings of nostalgia in me. Nevertheless, I wanted to try to recapture as much of that as possible, to try to see Azeroth with fresh eyes.


It was as easy as creating a fresh Battlenet account and purchasing a new licence. Happily at the time there was a sale on the Battlechest and the Cata upgrade. When MoP goes on sale again I will upgrade further, but for now I have more than enough content.

What? (Also called My Big Fat Meta-Goal)

Simply put, everything. Every race, every class, every achievement, mount, pet, recipe, quest. I seek to have one character of every race/class combination both Alliance and Horde at level cap, having earned Loremaster themselves. I seek to have one main Alliance character and one main Horde character who earns each achievement independently. I want to have every profession at cap on each faction with every professional recipe known. I want all the Archaeology projects known, every rep at exalted. I want all the mounts. I want all the companion and battlepets.

I don't care how long this takes me. I don't care that everyone else and their Grandma is rocking LFR or Tier Whatever while I am noodling around in Eastern Plaguelands on toon #73. Unless I am very sadly mistaken or things take a unpredicted turn of events, this game has a minimum of 6 years of life left in it. A lot can be accomplished in 6 years, so I am in no hurry.

I have 115 toons to level and Loremaster, 57 Alliance and 58 Horde. I don't know if the game has enough life left in it to accomplish the goal completely, but I am going to give it a damned try.  And if by good fortune I accomplish this goal, I'll do it again and try for one of every race/class/gender.

1 comment:

  1. An extremely ambitious goal. Good luck in your endeavors, and I'll try to be moral support along the way.

